Cardinal Glen has been rightly described as an Oasis of Beautiful Gardens. It not only remains so, but seems to get more beautiful year after year making Dunbarton Court a hidden gem. Just as we offer advice to those who seek it on house maintenance, this page is your source for gardening advice in the neighbourhood. If you have a question, issue or concern, just ask.
Butterfly Friendly Gardening
All gardens are not created equal. Just ask any butterfly.
Creating and restoring butterfly habitat offsets what development, roadside mowing or wetland drainage have destroyed. (Gardening pesticide-free helps, too.) Whether you have a small plot in the big city or a few acres, transform your yard into a butterfly garden! Many butterfly species don’t migrate. You can provide habitat and food for their entire life cycle — eggs, larvae, pupae AND adults — throughout the year. Think beyond providing flowers for nectar in the height of summer.
What you’ll need
Start by identifying a sunny area that’s also somewhat sheltered from the wind. Butterflies rely on sunlight to regulate their temperature and for energy for flying and foraging.
Host plants
Adults need a place to lay eggs where their caterpillars will forage. (Plant species that will get eaten and not just look pretty!)
Mud puddles
Some butterflies rarely visit flowers. They prefer mud, poop (a.k.a. “scat” or “dung”), sap and rotting fruit.
Overwintering habitat
Consider not raking leaves to provide a butterfly nursery! Most butterflies in Canada overwinter as caterpillars, others as pupae. A few species winter as adults, hibernating in hollow trees, under bark and firewood piles, or in garden shed cracks and crevices. Few spend winter as eggs.
Blooms from spring through fall
Don’t limit your garden to an end of July color extravaganza. You’ll need a diversity of native nectar plants to flower over a few months.
Make sure you (or your neighbours) have sunny spots.
Nectar plants
Most butterflies will feed from more than a few plant species.
Think about the role of your yard
Is it a habitat source (high-quality patch that supports population increases)? Or is it more of an island?
Some yards can provide for one butterfly species’ entire life cycle. Some are disconnected from other habitat patches.
Walk around the block and view your neighbourhood through a butterfly’s eyes. Chat with your neighbours and see what they’re planting. Note possible connecting corridors between butterfly-friendly patches.

Tiger swallowtails
Tiger swallowtails choose nectar plants like lilacs or bee balm; nearby willow, alder, aspen or apple trees can host larva.
Painted ladies
Painted ladies choose nectar plants like aster, cosmos or zinnia; host plants include lupines, native thistle, mallow or hollyhock.
Monarchs choose nectar plants like milkweed, lilac, goldenrod and cosmos; host plants include the milkweed family.
Milkweed is crucial — in fact, the survival of this butterfly depends on its abundance. Once hatched, a monarch caterpillar will munch the plant unceasingly (and exclusively) for nine to 18 days, growing to 2,700 times its newly-hatched size. At that point it forms a light-green chrysalis and hangs upside-down for another nine to 18 days before emerging with a fresh pair of wings. Those eye-catching appendages are also warning signs: adult monarchs store the poison from the milkweed’s white juice in their bodies throughout their lives. It makes them foul-tasting and somewhat toxic to potential predators.
The milkweeds (plants of the genus Asclepias), include common milkweed, butterfly weed and swamp milkweed in Eastern Canada, and showy milkweed and green milkweed in Western Canada. These perennials grow in every Canadian province except for Newfoundland and Labrador. They’re easy to grow from seeds — mature pods can be collected in the wild in early fall, or seed packets can be purchased at certain gardening centres. Plant in the spring as soon as temperatures reach 15 C or warmer.
Common milkweed, especially, can spread aggressively, so it can be better suited to large plots than small urban spots. Each of the milkweeds requires slightly different conditions to grow, well, like a weed, so bear these differences in mind when planting. Swamp milkweed, as its name implies, loves moister conditions with full sun, which is why it grows along riverbanks. Butterfly weed, conversely, thrives in well-drained, sandy soil.

New England aster (Photo: Sarah Coulber/Canadian Wildlife Federation)
Sweet, sweet nectar
For their all-liquid diet, adult monarchs, like many butterflies, prefer the nectar of brightly coloured flowers, usually in purples, pinks, yellows and whites (perhaps because butterflies have the widest visual spectrum in the animal kingdom). Monarchs, and other butterflies, will flock to gardens with an array of blooms, especially if those blooms have been clustered together to draw attention to the plants. Plant species strategically so the patch is full of flowers throughout the entire growing season.
Some of the monarch’s favourite blossoms are Canadian goldenrod (not to be confused with ragweed, which is the real allergy-culprit), wild bergamot, New England aster, black-eyed Susan, common yarrow and boneset.
Other tricks
“in general,” says Coulber, “maintain your property in an earth-friendly manner, in part by avoiding the use of harsh chemicals and mirroring nature instead.” And a few simple elements can be added to a butterfly garden that will support both local and migratory butterflies, and will improve the likelihood that a large number of monarchs will visit and lay their eggs in your garden:
- A shallow source of water, whether a bird bath or plate, will give butterflies a spot to rest and slake their thirst. Try partially submerging stones to provide perches for the insects while they drink.
- Large stones provide good landing pads and ideal warm spots for absorbing the sun’s energy. Place a few around the garden in areas sheltered by surrounding plants.
- “Mud-puddling” is a behaviour observed mainly in male butterflies. They sit on damp soil and extract minerals with the moisture that are necessary to their reproductive success. Sink a pan, filled with a mixture of garden soil, sand and rich manure, in the garden and keep it thoroughly moist throughout the summer.

Swamp milkweed (Photo: Sarah Coulber/Canadian Wildlife Federation)
Come one, come all
Your butterfly garden, of course, will attract more than just monarchs — there are nearly 300 butterfly species in Canada, and all play an important role as pollinators. Planting a wide variety of butterfly-friendly plants will make for a vibrant garden that can be home to a spectacular assortment of the graceful insects.
A few reliable options are dill, fennel, carrots and parsley for black swallowtails, violets for fritillaries, wormwood, sunflowers and even thistles for painted ladies, and nettles for red admirals.