Maintenance & Upkeep

Cardinal Glen Community Association Maintenance and Upkeep Initiative

Adelaide | Belmont | Cardiff | Dorset | Emerson | Franklin | Glenhaven
Harrowsmith | Inglewood | Kingston | Lancaster | Milford

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This section of the CGCA Site contains information regarding maintenance and upkeep of the various hose types within Cardinal Glen. The Maintenance and Upkeep Group is coordinated by Allan Martel and includes dozens of homeowners within Cardinal Glen.

There are 144 townhouses in the Cardinal Glen community built according to several different design plans. Since these houses were built at nearly the same time, with only slight variations in construction options, homeowners in Cardinal Glen face very similar upkeep and maintenance issues.

In October 2008, an owners’ upkeep and maintenance group was created so that owners of almost identical houses could share knowledge and experience relating to the maintenance and upkeep of their properties.

This idea was warmly received by the Community Association whose chairman at that time, Harry MacKay actively promoted the group’s formation. Flyers were prepared and distributed by Email and postal walk to all Adelaide owners in the community.

This led to the formation of the first owner’s sub-group, the “Adelaide” model owners’ maintenance and upkeep group which contains so far, more than one third of “Adelaide” model house owners.

Maintenance and Upkeep priorities were collected from all members as the first step in determining what issues mattered to “Adelaide” owners.

You will see below several articles posted on subjects ranging from garage storage solutions to fixing basement leaks etc. As one example, leaks in the front the basement can be eliminated by filling in the large hole underneath the front exterior landing which collects water that then seeps through the wall.

The “Adelaide” owners group met in November 2008 and exchanged information about various maintenance issues that had been corrected, were under way at the time, or were planned in the future. Every attendee left the session with at least two new ideas about how to deal with existing issues or how to prevent their occurrence in the future. A “Belmont” owners group met in 2011, with several ”
Adelaide” members also attending.

The first real advantage of such a group lies in the advice provided from those who are skilled and experienced in renovation and upkeep issues through information sharing.

A second benefit is the opportunity to meet neighbours and to build a stronger sense of community within Cardinal Glen. This manifests itself in several ways, one of which is that group members volunteer to assist others in diagnosis of problems and/or in their resolution.

This section of the Web Site is for CGCA members exchange information on an ongoing basis. Another meeting took place in early 2012 for “Cardiff” model owners and for anyone else interested in preparation for maintenance issues that arise in the spring and to exchange contractor information and estimates for larger tasks planned over the summer.

The “Adelaide” Owners’ Group and the “Belmont” Owners Group issue an invitation to all “Adelaide” and “Belmont” model owners to join the group and to participate actively for the mutual benefit of all concerned. Our intention is to meet with Dorset, Emerson, Franklin, Glenhaven, Harrowsmith, Inglewood, Kingston, Lancaster, and Milford owners over the course of the next year or so. If you don’t know what model of house you live in, please look under the Tab entitled “Find Your House Type” and look for your house number on the list.

Maintenance and Upkeep articles will be posted on this page if they apply to all house types. Articles focused on one or more specific house types can be found under the house type tabs included on this page. As an example, under “Adelaide” you will find a series of articles referring to issues specific to the Adelaide model homes in Cardinal Glen.

Any and all residents are welcome to post articles and maintenance questions to this site simply by leaving a comment below or by sending a draft article at for review, approval, and posting.

Please contact the Cardinal Glen Community Association or Allan Martel by Email at or by telephone at 613-744-1938 for further information .

Articles Pertaing to All House Types

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